Dec 2, 2008

What Brings Me Joy

What Brings Me Joy...

  • Spending time with the Lord, being still and knowing that He is God.
  • When my email inbox is, for the most part, caught-up!
  • Making a to-do-list and getting to check things off
  • Spending time with those who truly know me for ME, and want to talk to me not just because I have been on television or speak on behalf of the Lord
  • Writing in my Moleskine
  • Driving my 2001 Mazda Protege E.S...oh, how I love you "Sandy"
  • Talking to dozens of people a day about our awesome Lord and His sovereignty and goodness
  • Talking on the phone with others who truly love Jesus and "get" what life is about
  • Working out at my local Curves
  • Hearing "I love you" from my best friends and the man God has called me to love
  • Learning how to love said man better; being refined in the process
  • Mt. Dew, yes, at times it does bring me joy :)
  • Pictures in my office
  • Post-it notes
  • Sending out copies of Breathtaking
  • Traveling the country to proclaim a 'proper theology of suffering'
  • Breathtaking deeply for His glory and taking one day at a time.

Nov 17, 2008

No One Ever Told Me...

No One Ever Told Me....
  • 3 years after my transplant, I would be living a life I could have only dreamed, and better yet, completely in the center of God's will in doing so.
  • My 'pipe dream', as it was named, of me being on Life Today would become a reality after 3 years of fasting/praying and honestly sometimes doubting it would happen. THANK YOU, LORD!
  • That starting a ministry was going to be this much of an emotional roller coaster
  • That I could have a love-hate relationship with my visionary spirit, a spirit that just wasn't content with writing Breathtaking but now is calling me to more
  • That I would have dreams in my sleep about doing administrative tasks after I spent a whole day doing so in real life
  • That my biggest weaknesses (aka administrative duties) would be turned into semi-strengths not because I want to work on them but because I have no choice!
  • That getting federal tax-exemption status is emotionally-taxing, especially for one who would rather just sit and dream up ideas instead of actually having to be the one to not only come up with the vision but also implement it, as well
  • That I would be given the opportunity to really see my crazy dreams come true, that the responsibility in doing so would be so humbling and exhilarating at the same time
  • That the Lord would choose to use me in such an awesome way for His Kingdom, and in doing so, teach me that wanting to my hidden (until the past few months) desires to just be a wife and mom and not necessarily to speak to the masses is just as God-honoring and refining as if I'm on the road 365 days a year.
  • I would have to re-learn at 22 yrs. of age that God really does love me not for what I do for Him but instead because I just love Him and long to devote my entire life to Him, that I would have to daily remind myself that my works don't save or sanctify me
  • I may really could have BOTH a family of my own and a ministry - that I don't have to pick, that God can get glory out of me doing both instead of denying how much I long to be refined in a Godly marriage, one filled with children, while also fulfilling His role for me in regards to testifying to a 'proper theology of suffering'
  • I would be blessed enough to meet the man of my dreams, the man I pray every night that I am able to call my 'husband', so that I will be the only one for the rest of his earthly life to tend to him, to fall under his headship, as he loves me as Christ loves the Church, a man that loves the calling God has on my life and compliments my gift-mix (something desperately needed as the ministry goes forward).
  • I would get to wake up every day and correspond with people across the world, letting them know it's all about Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my dreams, my hopes, and ultimately my faith.

    I love You, not for what You give me but just because of who You are....but in times like this, I can't help but be overwhelmed by Your awesome presence in my life. Every day comes with new challenges, new things I have no idea how to do, but You're always here with me. You never leave me. Keep drawing me closer to Yourself. Burn away the chaff, Father. Cleanse my heart, brand it with Your message for Your people, O Lord. I want to be used, as Isaiah did...take me anywhere, just promise You'll go before me. Not will my, Lord God, but Yours, Abba, be done.

Nov 10, 2008

All I Want....

  • All I want is to bring Him glory with every breath that I take
  • All I want is to throw off this fallen body full of its sin and infirmities
  • All I want is not to speak to thousands, although I will if the Lord allows (and He already has) but instead to be able to be fully known (at least as one can be in an earthly sense) and loved like Christ loves the Church by one man and to love him well all the days of my life.
  • All I want is to remember the journey and not get so anxious for the destination
  • All I want is to see my friends (like Rachel) walk down the isle and marry men who will take care of them and ultimately point them to the Lord for their completion.
  • All I want is to continue to be refined, to continue to be crushed down and broken in two so that He can be most fully glorified through me.
  • All I want is understanding from those who haven't seemed to realize that I now work out of conviction and not guilt, that I can't say 'yes' to all things -- even if they're for the Kingdom.
  • All I want is to stand before Jesus and hear 'well done', to not get caught up in legalism but not let complacency ruin my life with Christ, either.
  • All I want is to one day be a mother, to give the love of my life a son of his very own, to raise our child in the ways of the Lord and, for now, continue to not only pray for this miracle but BELIEVE that with God all things truly are possible.
  • All I want is to see the days of abortion in this country cease, to be able to make people realize that there are millions of couples in the U.S. who desperately long for children and who would much rather take care of these innocent souls than see them killed daily by the thousands.
  • All I want is for Jesus to come back and set up His monarchy, where He is Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords and the need for a president or other earthly ruler is no more.
  • All I want is my glorification but am learning to appreciate my sanctification.
  • All I want is to see Jesus face-to-face, the One who died for me.

Aug 25, 2008

Hosanna In The Highest...

My life could not be more unpredictable, more different than what I had expected if you would have asked me 3 months ago what my summer would have in store...and you know what?

I love it - all of it.

I don't even know where to begin; most of you know small details but only a few know the intimate, raw details of what has been going on.

So, here's a recap of the past few months in summary:

1) The Lord has been opening many doors lately for His glory, causing me to be on the road almost non-stop at times, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!
2) The Lord is asking me to step out of my comfort zone and actually believe that my dreams could come true, meaning in particular that He has placed a man in my life who could very possibly one day - not too far away - be my husband. Writing those words brings a ton of emotions to the surface, but it feels good to finally write them! We are prayerfully considering the Lord's will in our lives and laying our plans and what we want aside; all we really want individually and corporately is His presence, more than anything. There will be much more on that issue in the future, I'm sure. Just know I haven't ever felt more blessed in my life and cannot believe that He has allowed me to share the past few months with a man who loves Him above all else and treats me with nothing but respect, a man who lets me come home from being on the road and just vent, a man who prays over me and prays that one day - with our without him - I will be able to have a biological child with my's pretty much all just...for ack of better words...breathtaking. *sigh* For now, just please pray for me and for him!
3)The Lord is teaching me so much about Himself! I cannot begin to share with you the spiritual, emotional journey I have been on the past several months, especially since March or so. There has been so many 'ups and downs', emotionally-speaking, but the Lord knows the cry of my heart has not changed: Just to know Him more, Lord, that's all I ask.

I love you, not because of the blessings You have bestowed upon my life the past few months, but because through You IS life. Oh, Father, take this broken vessel and continue to humble me before You, as You glorify Yourself through my words and actions. Teach me to be a servant. Continue to teach us all to
get out of the way and just let You move.

For His glory alone,
Amber Nicole Metz

Aug 13, 2008

Crucial Ministry Update!

Faithful is He Who is calling you [to Himself] and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you].
1 Thessalonians 5: 24 (AMP)

Prayer Warriors & Friends:
I know it’s been a long time since you heard from me, but rest-assured, I am still alive! Beyond merely being alive, I am very busy with the ministry with which God has entrusted me. I wanted to write all of you weeks ago to give you more updates on I.C.R.S but just could never find the time. My apologies!

I’ll keep this email as short as possible, but there is EXTREMELY EXCITING news to share! I can’t believe I get to share with all of you what I’m about to say, but the time has come!! Our Lord is so faithful, so willing to use us for His glory, if we’ll just lay down our lives and say ‘Not my will, but Yours be done’. I know this to be true now more than ever.

Before I share, though, here are a few other updates. If you just can’t wait, or are too busy to read, at least scroll down and look at what is highlighted in red! : -)

Moody Bible Institute:
As of August 11th, I have completed my summer semester through M.B.I and am
looking forward to being done with my Bachelor of Science degree in Biblical Studies Lord-willing in
July of 2009. I will once again be signing up for coursework for the fall; please pray that the Lord sustains me, as I seek to finish around 10.0 hours of school, which will leave 15 hours and an internship left!

International Christian Retail Show – the rest of the recap:

I know I promised more of an update other than the Sat-Sunday one I sent out, but obviously with my hectic school schedule when I got home, that unfortunately never happened. However, just know that the Lord filled my week with divine appointments for His glory, and I am still praying through many encounters I was able to have while in Orlando. I won’t bore all of you with the details! Just keep praying!!!



  • Linesville, P.A. – August 16/17th

Please pray for me, as I travel with my mentor
to Linesville, P.A. to speak this Sunday, August 17th.

  • Dallas, Texas – August 19/20th

Life Today with James and Betty Robison!!!
Will be taped August 19th; date of airing TBA!

I’m not making it up! I couldn’t if I even tried!! Yes, friends, the LORD HAS ANSWERED my prayer of 3 YEARS, and He’s done it in extreme fashion!!!! I just found out yesterday (Aug. 12th) that I am to fly to Dallas on Tuesday, tape the show Tuesday night, and fly home on Wednesday morning. Isn’t it just like God that I just finished my semester through MBI the 11th, have only a small gap between this and my next speaking engagement, and have actually been praying that I would hear from Life Today (either if they wanted me on or not) much earlier than anticipated. This, my friends, is MUCH earlier than anticipated!! I was told it could be up to 6 months before I heard from them! Not only have I heard from them, I’m going!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!

I will send out a list of prayer requests for the trip by Tuesday for all of you to pray through. I fall facedown before Jesus, thanking Him for this divine opportunity and responsibility and acknowledge that now I am completely out of my comfort zone and so desperately in need of Him!

· Philly area, PA. – Aug. 22-29th

Please pray for me, as I go visit my dear friend, Sarah Behn, and her parents; I will be speaking 2-3 times while I am away. Pray, as always, that as I speak, it is His words and not my own!

So, that’s my update!! I’m in just as much shock as all of you! Go GOD! : -) Love you all!! KEEP PRAYING, as the amount of spiritual warfare around me is intensifying, as I prepare for these crucial opportunities to minister to HIS children.

Jul 23, 2008

Pray For Tricia!


Please pray for Tricia from CF Husband. This is Nate’s latest post, and it sounds like Tricia is not getting any better. Please pray that this new treatment they’re going to start to try to cure Tricia’s Post-Transplant Limphoproliferative Disorder (what I get tested for every couple months) will be successful for His glory. Also, please pray for her husband Nate, their parents and their precious daughter, Gwyneth, who is also still facing a few difficulties of her own. Check out their website anytime. If you need more background of their story, please go here.

Life Just Got Complicated might be thinking that our life was already complicated. Well, not to least not until now...

Tricia's lymphoma in her lungs did not respond well to the meds over the past five weeks. In fact, some of the growths are bigger, and there are a few new growths. Only two of the growths are smaller, and none have gone away. That alone was pretty disappointing.

Next, they've decided to keep Tricia overnight until they can come up with a new game plan. Another disappointment (Gwyneth and I will be partying at the hotel by ourselves tonight).

This evening, we met with the oncologist (cancer doctor), who explained that the next step is R plus CHOP. I've been explaining to you that the chemo Tricia had been receiving was not the heavy duty stuff...CHOP is. CHOP is the stuff that you hear about that comes with a lot of potential side affects...nausea, severe headaches, risk of leukemia, hair loss, etc.

Tricia will receive her first treatment tomorrow. If all goes well, she should be released on Thursday (we were planning on heading home Thursday anyway). She'll receive her second treatment in three weeks here at Duke. A few weeks after that second treatment, they'll reevaluate to determine if the cancer is responding as hoped for. If so, she'll receive four additional treatments every three weeks, for a total of six over the next eighteen weeks.

If, after the first two treatments, her cancer is not responding, Tricia is in serious trouble.

Each treatment lasts several hours, and immediate side affects include the nausea, headaches, etc. Because of Tricia's other current health issues and medications (which I'll discuss at a later time), this entire process is a lot trickier than it normally would be if she was only facing cancer (not to diminish anyone who is "only" facing cancer...that alone is nothing to laugh at).

Needless to say, we're both very bummed tonight. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm sure we'll be more optimistic, but tonight we're very discouraged. We continue to trust God, believing that, regardless of what lies ahead over the next few months, He is in control and knows what is best for us, but we're feeling rather beat up.

Blessed be the Lord
day after day he carries us along.
He's our Savior, our God, oh yes!
He's God-for-us,
He's God-who-saves-us.
Lord God knows all
death's ins and outs.

Psalm 68:19, 20 (The Message)


BTW...Gwyneth had an appointment today and has another tomorrow...I'll update you on her status later tomorrow. Thanks

Pray For Tricia!


Please pray for Tricia from CF Husband. This is Nate’s latest post, and it sounds like Tricia is not getting any better. Please pray that this new treatment they’re going to start to try to cure Tricia’s Post-Transplant Limphoproliferative Disorder (what I get tested for every couple months) will be successful for His glory. Also, please pray for her husband Nate, their parents and their precious daughter, Gwyneth, who is also still facing a few difficulties of her own. Check out their website anytime. If you need more background of their story, please go here.

Life Just Got Complicated might be thinking that our life was already complicated. Well, not to least not until now...

Tricia's lymphoma in her lungs did not respond well to the meds over the past five weeks. In fact, some of the growths are bigger, and there are a few new growths. Only two of the growths are smaller, and none have gone away. That alone was pretty disappointing.

Next, they've decided to keep Tricia overnight until they can come up with a new game plan. Another disappointment (Gwyneth and I will be partying at the hotel by ourselves tonight).

This evening, we met with the oncologist (cancer doctor), who explained that the next step is R plus CHOP. I've been explaining to you that the chemo Tricia had been receiving was not the heavy duty stuff...CHOP is. CHOP is the stuff that you hear about that comes with a lot of potential side affects...nausea, severe headaches, risk of leukemia, hair loss, etc.

Tricia will receive her first treatment tomorrow. If all goes well, she should be released on Thursday (we were planning on heading home Thursday anyway). She'll receive her second treatment in three weeks here at Duke. A few weeks after that second treatment, they'll reevaluate to determine if the cancer is responding as hoped for. If so, she'll receive four additional treatments every three weeks, for a total of six over the next eighteen weeks.

If, after the first two treatments, her cancer is not responding, Tricia is in serious trouble.

Each treatment lasts several hours, and immediate side affects include the nausea, headaches, etc. Because of Tricia's other current health issues and medications (which I'll discuss at a later time), this entire process is a lot trickier than it normally would be if she was only facing cancer (not to diminish anyone who is "only" facing cancer...that alone is nothing to laugh at).

Needless to say, we're both very bummed tonight. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm sure we'll be more optimistic, but tonight we're very discouraged. We continue to trust God, believing that, regardless of what lies ahead over the next few months, He is in control and knows what is best for us, but we're feeling rather beat up.

Blessed be the Lord
day after day he carries us along.
He's our Savior, our God, oh yes!
He's God-for-us,
He's God-who-saves-us.
Lord God knows all
death's ins and outs.

Psalm 68:19, 20 (The Message)


BTW...Gwyneth had an appointment today and has another tomorrow...I'll update you on her status later tomorrow. Thanks

Jul 10, 2008

ICRS 2008

ICRS 2008: Before I go…
I wanted to give you all a short update before I head off to ICRS! If you remember, this is the conference I first mentioned at the beginning of the year. I am very thankful to those gracious individuals who have partnered with me in praying for and ultimately financing this trip!!! One of my best friends, Annie, and I fly out of Detroit in route to Orlando early Saturday morning; the conference itself begins Sunday, July 13th, and runs through Thursday, July 17th. I am amazed at the opportunities the Lord has afforded me while I am there. If you would have told me three years ago that I would be in this position, I would have told you that you were crazy.

Because I know many of you like to know more specific ways you can pray for me, I have attached media confirmations for T.V. interviews, and on radio interview, while I am away.
You will notice that one of them is with Life Today. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I have been praying for 3 years for an opportunity to meet with someone from that particular ministry. I will not be meeting with James & Betty Robison, at least not at this point, but will have an interview with one of their producers, Sharon Elmore. If they “like” me, I will be invited onto the program at a later date. Please pray that the Lord is glorified through the interview, no matter what the outcome of it.

Other things to pray for while I am away:

  • WISDOM - I could use it in every area of my life, as could we all!
  • My health – it’s going to be a long, stressful week; please pray for physical, mental and emotional strength to run the Race the Lord has set before me the next 5 days.
  • Ministry odds & ends - please pray for me, as I work things out with accountants regarding getting that IRS tax emption! It’s a slow, tedious process!
  • Saturday – Please pray that the flight goes well, that we get from the airport to our hotel and settled in for the long week ahead!
  • Sunday – Please pray for me as I attend the ‘International Vision Celebration’ to pitch my message/book to international publishers
  • SundayPRAISE: I get to finally meet the crew from Winepress after years of just email/phone correspondence!
  • Monday - Please be in prayer for my interview with Meri Crouley @ 8:40am.
  • Monday – Please be in prayer for my interview with “Body Builders” @ 10:30am
  • TuesdayPLEASE PRAY for that interview with Life Today @ 10:30am
  • Tuesday – Please pray for my book signing @ 1:30pm
  • Wednesday – Please pray for Annie and I as we spend our time NETWORKING!
  • Thursday – Please pray for me as I interview with Moody Radio @ 8:30am
  • Thursday – Please pray for me as I interview with “The Good Life” @ 10:00am
  • Friday – Please pray for Annie and I as we travel back to the airport in Detroit, MI. and then home!

Before I forget: those wondering about my WBCL INTERVIEW

Click here and then go to the Thursday, July 3rd show. If you’d like to get to my portion of the interview, you’ll have to fast-forward around 35 minutes or so. If you have any questions/problems, please email me!!

Above all, Thank YOU for your prayers and support!! We certainly can’t do this without you!!! J

Jul 1, 2008

A Realization...

What I just told my best friend, Annie...

A Realization...

use me Father (12:22:32 AM): and I'm growing and changing...
use me Father (12:22:54 AM): and Im learning it's okay to admit that I'm not always 100% happy with my current situation
use me Father (12:23:01 AM): that I love Jesus, yet I long for the Full Redemption
use me Father (12:23:22 AM): that I love my calling,and wouldn't trade what I've been through for ANYTHING, yet at times I don't feel whole...
use me Father (12:23:25 AM): and I'm not supposed to...
use me Father (12:23:32 AM): because we don't belong here in this fallen world
use me Father (12:23:38 AM): and admitting that doesn't mean I don't love Jesus
use me Father (12:23:49 AM): or that I can't be a spokesperson for a proper theology of suffering
use me Father (12:23:57 AM): it just makes me a better candidate to do it

Lord, I really am learning, aren't I?

Jun 27, 2008

With or Without You...

With or without you....
I am finally understanding who I am in Christ and loving every minute of it.
With or without you...
I know "it's okay" (in a lot of ways)..and not just in my head but in my heart.
With or without you...
I know to what and to whom I am called and am living in it in absolute freedom.
With or without you...
I am going to live the rest of my life out of conviction and not out of guilt.
With or without you...
I know that because I am whole-heartedly seeking HIS WILL above all else, God truly does want to give me the desires of my heart, not just 95% of them but all of them.
With or without you...
I'm dealing with my demons and casting them all at His feet, every single one of them.
With or without you...
I'm taking off the masks I didn't even know I wore and untangling the baggage that comes with them.
With or without you...
I am thankful we took the gamble and learning once again how to WAIT upon the Lord.
With or without you...
I have been changed forever, and for that, I thank you.

Jun 13, 2008

Haley Palmer and Tim Russert

Haley Palmer, a twelve-year old, beautiful young girl with CF who was awaiting a transplant, passed away today. You can visit her family's website here.

Tim Russert, the standard for serious journalism, died today, as well. I've always followed Mr. Russert's career and deeply admired his abilities. I actually had a dream a few months that Tim Russert passed away, so one can imagine my shock when I learned about 3:00pm that my dream had come true. All of this has me thinking about a lot of things...and in the midst of it all, I all know is that no matter what I'm doing, I want to it well, as unto the Lord...and maybe, just maybe, the journalist within me isn't done yet. I may never be a Katie Couric, but I do have a lot left within me, that if properly harnessed, can impact the world for Christ. I've already seen it happen in the past; we all know it's happening now through Breathtaking, and I think there's even more to it all than I knew before today.

Show me your wisdom....all I want is YOU.


P.S. Vacation is going well...lots to think about.

May 27, 2008

A New Beginning...

....To live is Christ and to die is gain.

I must remember that, even when my schedule seems impossible, my desires try to overwhelm me and my enemies try to discourage me.

Thank you for fresh beginnings, for new starts, for time with You.

*If y'all comment and let me know that you actually read this thing, I'll start writing longer, more personal posts, I promise.

May 20, 2008

I need You, oh I need You.
Every hour, I need You.
Oh bless me now my Savior,
I come to You.

May 5, 2008

Busy Week

Hey, everyone! I'm sorry I'm not doing a very good job keeping up with this blog. I'll try to do better, I promise! :) I have been doing a better job journaling, though. Too bad you all don't have access to my hand-written journals. They're filled with secrets. Just kidding, really.

There isn't anything too 'earth-shattering' going on in my life right now, honestly. I'm just learning how to love Jesus and His people better (oh sanctification) and trying to take better care of myself, too. I haven't necessarily gotten rid of a bunch of activities, but I am learning how to prioritize my time and say 'no' when many people think I should say 'yes'. I've read a lot of books lately, which has been absolutely wonderful, just let me say! One book I won't be reading and/or recommending is The Shack. First of all, I don't have time, and second of all, I know just by reading about what it's about that I wouldn't agree with it.

I encourage all of you to be discerning of what you read. The Word says we are held accountable for what we put in our mind, does it not? Sure, I read a lot of books from a lot of different authors, including at times books that I would never recommend to others but feel I need to expose myself to so that I am able to educate myself about what others in the Christian community are thinking (ex: Emergent material).

I by no means agree with the majority of what Emergent authors such as Brian McLaren or even Rob Bell say, but I do know how powerful their brand of 'Christianity' can be to the intellectually-stimulated. The only way I would suggest that one read The Shack, McLaren's books, Pagitt's books and or anything else from the Emergent crowd is for the sole purpose of discerning what this movement is all about and not for the sake of jumping on the bandwagon. Reading this kind of literature is not for the faint of heart and definitely not something I would recommend for new believers or those who are in a challenging part of their faith walk. I think we all could benefit, though, from knowing the doctrines being taught 'in Jesus name' (i.e. the Emergent stream, Gospel-lite stream, social gospel, etc.). We live in a time of syncretism, and we as believers of Jesus Christ and His saving power on Calvary, need to be able to stand up for Truth!

For me, right now I'm so busy with so much stuff that I'm focusing on filling my mind with the Word of God first and then books who speak Truth second. There's just not time for anything else. Not to say I think reading other things is wrong, as I just admitted I've done it many times, but it all goes back to priorities and the conviction the Holy Spirit has placed on me for this time in my life.

I don't know why I just told all of you all of that, but y'know, you wanted a post so now you have it! :)

Love and appreciate you all!


Apr 29, 2008

Non-profit coming!!

Important update:

Greetings, my friends! I wanted to let you know that as of yesterday, April 28, 2008, the Articles of Incorporation for Breathtaking Ministries, Inc. have been turned in and are now being processed by the state of Ohio! Breathtaking Ministries, Inc. should have 501©3 status by the end of May!


I want all of you to know that it’s not about ‘becoming a non-profit’, me (certainly not me!) or even the name ‘Breathtaking Ministries, Inc.’. As the Scriptures say, we are to die to self daily and continue to be conformed to our Savior, Jesus Christ. This whole ministry is about proclaiming the Lord’s glory by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (us being saved from eternity apart from our Creator by grace through faith alone for the glory of God) and a proper theology of suffering. If I’m dead and gone tomorrow, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of God’s sovereignty and goodness amidst human suffering must go forward. Breathtaking and Breathtaking Ministries, Inc. are just two ways – of thousands – the Lord has ordained for this to occur.

I am just a mere vessel that is daily falling facedown before Him. I’m by no means perfect or even close. I can be the worst of Pharisees, the prodigal and/or the older brother in one day, and always very unworthy of the calling He has placed on my life. That’s why I need Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit working inside of me every single moment of every single day.

Your prayers sustain me!! THANK YOU for being willing to partner with me, as I proclaim who Jesus is and His desire to set us free (Is. 61:1-3) and not Amber Metz, Breathtaking, or Breathtaking Ministries, Inc. Again, if you still have questions regarding what we’re all about, please check out ‘The Mission’ on Breathtaking Ministries’ website. Also: I unfortunately didn’t receive any testimonials regarding how Breathtaking or Breathtaking Ministries, Inc. has encouraged or impacted lives. I know that we’re all on this together, and that you guys do believe that God is using this ‘proper theology of suffering’, so please just tell me how! J I don’t want endorsements for my self-esteem or even really ‘endorsements’ for Breathtaking. I’m looking for how the Lord has shown you what a proper theology of suffering looks like through the reading of the Word and the concepts brought up by the ministry. I hope that helps.

Please email me if you have any questions!!

*Please let me know how all of you are doing so I can pray for you efficiently!!

Apr 21, 2008



G’morning, y’all!

I have a busy schedule ahead of me today, so I wanted to get this e-mail out before I forget! First of all, THANK YOU for praying for Breathtaking Ministries!! The Lord is moving in my heart and giving me more discernment when it comes to my personal life and the life of the ministry.


Some of asked other (not nearly as important) ways you can help the ministry right now:

A) Consider giving a word of testimony to Breathtaking Ministries regarding how Breathtaking and/or Breathtaking Ministries’ message of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a proper theology of suffering (i.e. the idea that God is sovereign and good no matter what our earthly circumstances and works everything out for our good and His glory) has impacted your life/relationship with Christ. We would like to use these testimonials on the new website and upcoming media tools!!! If at all possible, at least 10 different testimonies are needed!!
Get the word out!!
I know I’ve said it before, but write a review for Breathtaking on Amazon’s and/or Barnes and Noble’s website.

Email me at with any help you want to offer/questions you may have.


Apr 13, 2008


I'm back after spending a wonderful weekend at Liberty University with my friends, Leanna, Amber and Heather. Our mutual friend Jessica Baughman was kind enough to take us in! Here's a picture of all of us with Mark Hall, the lead singer of Casting Crowns. Mark is an incredibly humble man of God; that is what I admire about him and why I'm including this picture.

Me, Leanna, Mark, Jessica and Amber

While I was in Lynchburg, I was also able to catch up with my former youth pastor, John Harney, and his wife Angel. They both had a tremendous influence on me my freshman and sophomore year of high school, and it was a BLAST seeing them and their adorable children, Spencer (6) and Zach (4). I wish we had taken a picture! Ooops!

On a more important matter, I had a really refreshing time with the Lord while I was gone and feel more focused in a lot of areas in my life. Prioritizing is my #1 priority this week. I'm going to be looking at my daily schedule and seeing what needs A)eliminated B)moved to once-a-week and C)enhanced/re-focused. It may not make much sense to anyone but myself for now, but hey, that's ok! Please pray that I am open to the Lord's wisdom, as I seek HIS FACE above all else, even with the day-to-day grind. I didn't realize how much "stuff" was taking over my life until I really started analyzing what I do every day. Sure, most of it seems like very real, pressing matters, but is it? Does every email have to be answered right now? Does every phone call and voicemail have to be returned right away? I don't think so. Hitting closer to home, should checking my Facebook 3 or so times a day really be in my list of priorities? Absolutely not.

So, yeah, I'll be reading the Word, meditating upon it and praying a lot this week when it comes to how I organize my life. So many people want a piece of me right now, and there's just not enough 'Amber' to go around for everyone, I'm afraid. My Lord comes first. My family should come second, which doesn't happen often - at all. My inner circle comes third, which I put ahead of my family all too often. Of course the ministry the Lord has entrusted to me is right up there, too...but if I'm not completely in-tune with the Lord as my Lord (meaning 'Master'), I have no idea what to do or how to fulfill the calling He has placed upon my life.

I'm called first and foremost to be a daughter of the King, not just the 'Founder of Breathtaking Ministries'. If tomorrow the ministry has no partners, everyone forgets about my vision and stops praying, I'll be okay. You know why? Because I listened to the Lord 3 1/2 years ago and have been on a wild ride ever since. I know the Lord's voice. I heard my God and have been walking by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7) ever since. If you think I know what I'm doing, you're wrong. At the same time, if you think I don't know who my God is and who I am in Him, you're wrong again. I know Whose I am and I'm very sure He'll complete the work He started in me, whatever that may look like. As long as I continue to be obedient, I'm destined to do His will for His glory and His alone.

Tomorrow is web-site work. Lord-willing, that'll be done soon; it's just another thing I'd like to see crossed off of my list of 20,000 things to do. Before all that, though, I'll be spending my morning with Jesus, my best friend and One who doesn't contact me by just email or phone. He's the only One who knows my every thought, my every action past, present and future and still loves me more than I could ever imagine.

Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free. I am Yours. I am Yours.


Apr 10, 2008

Technical Difficulties

Breathtaking Ministries' website is also currently 'under construction'! Please be patient with us, as we attempt to fix font and Fire Fox issues. You'll also notice that many of the pages have not been completed yet. I am feverishly working on getting my webmaster the text, so he can put it in, but all of that takes precious time, and more importantly, PRAYER!

If you'd like to contact me, as always email

I'll be in Lynchburg, VA. at Liberty University until late Sunday night. The Lord always seems to refine me in amazing ways when I leave the state of Ohio, and I'm trusting this time is no exception. Please pray that I'll be open to His voice. I want to answer The Call!!

While I'm gone, please continue to pray for Nathan, Tricia and Gwyneth. You can follow their story over at CF Husband, Nate's blog.

Isaiah 26:8

Apr 5, 2008

Work In Progess...

As I said today in my interview with Stacy Harp, the President of Active Christian Media, this blog is still very much a work-in-progress! :) I promise to try to do a better job with it, though! For now, you may only find my ministry newsletter updates on it (at least for the most part)...but this will get better in time, as my website is re-done and re-launched shortly!!

Please feel free to ask me anything you want while you're here. You're not stalking me. This is a public blog, and even if you just 'stumbled' upon it, I'm consciously putting myself out there so fire away. I look forward to hearing from you, the reader.

If there's any particular subject you'd like me to cover, please shoot me an email ( and let me know!

I'm on a journey. This blog's on a journey. We're all on a journey. One thing is for certain, though, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and His Gospel of grace through faith still applies today. The Word never changes, life does...and I'm so excited to see what's around the corner for Breathtaking Ministries. A proper theology of suffering will go forward, with or without me...but I'm so thankful that, at least for now, I get to watch the Lord glorify Himself through my crazy pipe dream!


Mar 30, 2008



As of 6:30pm Sunday night, Duke Medical Center may have found lungs for Tricia!
If you haven’t been checking out her husband, Nathan’s, blog and have no idea what I’m talking about, please go to his blog - Confessions of a CF Husband now!!!!

As we all know from my experience, this may be a ‘dry run’. Nathan hasn’t said that the doctors have made their final decision, but I thought I’d get the word out now anyway! Please check out Nathan’s blog throughout the evening and tomorrow morning! If she does have her surgery tonight, these next several hours are crucial!!!

Love you all!
Amber N. Metz

Mar 17, 2008

More Ways to Help!

Some of you have asked more ways you can contribute to Breathtaking Ministries’ cause:

Here are two!

1) Cystic fibrosis

As all of you know, because of having numerous complications due to having cystic fibrosis (CF, I had to endure a double lung transplant. My heart is for seeing people come to know Christ as Savior and for them to understand God’s sovereignty even amidst human suffering, but I cannot help but also be drawn toward raising awareness for CF as well. Approximately 30,000 people in the United States currently have CF. The life expectancy has raised dramatically since I was born in 1986, but still to this day, the median life expectancy is still only 37 years of age. Hundreds (if not thousands) of people die each year, some because of lack of health care and others simply because no cure has been found for CF at this time.

On May 17, 2008 there will be a Great Strides Walk to raise money for cystic fibrosis here in Lima, OH. If you would like to be a walker and join ‘Team Breathless’ at the Ottawa Metro Park at 9:00am that day, please go to Amber's G.S. Walk homepage and click on ‘join my team’ to become walker! If you cannot attend but would still like to give a tax-deductible monetary donation toward cystic fibrosis research, please click on ‘click to donate’. Your monetary donation will go directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the leader in raising money for CF research.

I am also in touch with several different chapters of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and am praying that Breathtaking will be able to be used in the lives of thousands of people with the life-threatening illness! We can pray for a cure for CF and also that God would continue to use Breathtaking’s message to further His Kingdom.

2) Organ/Tissue donation awareness

April is national organ and tissue donation month! J I am currently in the process of getting a hold of every single newspaper here in Ohio, asking if they’d consider covering my story during the month of April to raise awareness for CF and organ donation, while also giving me the opportunity to spread the renown of Jesus Christ! J Please pray for me, as I try to get all of this accomplished in the next week or so!

As far as how you can help, please consider becoming an organ/tissue donor if you have not already done so. Donate Life America is a great website to use to learn all the facts regarding donation and also has the info you need to sign up in your particular state! If you just click on ‘commit to donation’ a page will pop up with every state in the country. Please click on your state and go from there! I can’t – and don’t want to – co hearse people into becoming donors, but I would ask that you know the facts about donation before you make your decision!!

If at any time this month (or any other time) you do decide to become an organ and tissue donor, and feel comfortable disclosing your decision, please email me and let me know!

Again, I know that organ/tissue donation awareness may not seem like a route that one can promote the Gospel through, but rest-assured, it is! The Lord has given me this tremendous testimony for a reason, and I’m trying to use it to the upmost for His glory!!

Thank you for taking time to check in on what’s happening. I hate bombarding all of your email inboxes with a bunch of emails, but I find these two matters far from frivolous! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!! J

As always, I covet your PRAYERS the most! JThank you for partnering with me!

Mar 8, 2008

Where Have I Been?

..Where have I been?

In the past few months, I have/ have been:

  • Learning once more than this certainly is NOT about me
  • Dealing with the fact I can't have my own children, may never be married
  • Being a nanny to 4 children, whom I adore, while also adding two more
  • Spending a lot of time at work, thanking the Lord I get to work alongside my inner circle every single day
  • Spending some time away from work, so I can clear my head and continue to remember MY vision
  • Moving out of my parents' home, something I've wanted to do again for years
  • Spending a lot of time with the Lord, the only Constant in my life
  • Dreaming new dreams again, standing in awe of Him when I see them come true for HIS glory
  • Cherishing my time with my mentors, Buck Sutton & Heather Hall
  • On the road a lot, feeling lonely but realizing this is the life to which I am called
  • Hearing "I love you" from people who choose to love me for who I am
  • Watched a close friend walk away and suddenly slowly make her way back into my life
  • Watched another close friend leave for England, praying the answers come for him in HIS timing - not mine
  • Cried a lot of tears, for a lot of reasons
  • Prepared myself for the day I watch another close friend walk out of my life to enter a wonderful, Godly well as the day I watch someone else walk out of my life to enter a marriage I pray every day doesn't happen for her sake
  • Wished I had more time to spend with a friend whom I love dearly but don't see enough
  • Watched a close friend have to walk away from a job she loved and enter a time of loneliness and refinement, while also not finding the time - again - to see her as much as I want, either
  • Wondered how I ever got to where I am when I am so stupid, so needy and so small
  • Wondered if my life will abruptly come to an end this year for His glory
  • Wondered if I'll beat all the previous records and live 50 yrs.
  • Experienced trying health problems and watched those close to me rally around me during them
  • Had to be fed, carried and comforted for the first time in over two years
  • Wanted to see His face more than anything else this world has to offer
  • Wanted what my flesh wants more times than I'd like to admit
  • Believed with all my heart that God called me for such a time as this to do something HUGE
  • Questioned when I'm supposed to let go of something I love being involved in
  • At the same time believed that my role has - and will continue - to change in a particular ministry
  • Refined the vision of the ministry with which God has entrusted me
  • Cried - again - a lot
  • Have fought wanting to not be vulnerable with Him and others
  • Have sought His will and then not believed He would perform it
  • Have repented of said sin multiple times
  • Have listen to Shane and Shane's In The Secret probably 500 times (including right now)
  • Have not read a page of Breathtaking since its release
  • Have fasted and prayed for souls to come to know Him through this book HE created
  • Have watched Him provide for my finances in the toughest of times
  • Have questioned if He would provide and then had to repent in the same breath
  • Haven't made much sense at times, if you couldn't tell already
  • Been extremely critical of what I put on paper
  • Wondered if I'll always be this way
  • Decided that I'm only publishing this because He wants me to....
Oh Father, I'm so broken once more...please make beauty from ashes once more. Make me lie down in green pastures, so that I am still and know that YOU and YOU alone are God, my Abba Father. I don't need man's praise...I just need You. Lord, be Master of my life and continue to empty me of everything I desire, everything that keeps me from You. Lord, kill me and burn within me a desire to be fueled by a passion that only comes from YOUR consuming fire. I need You, oh I need You.

Feb 5, 2008

Stepping out into the unknown

Luke 9:62 - But Jesus said to him,"No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God."
"There will come a day when Love will lift you out of here. There will come a day when Love will bring its Truth.
There will come a day when Love will free you from your fear, and you'll remember I believe in you.
I believe, even when I see you crying. I believe, let me dream for you. When nothing comes from trying, oh remember, I believe in you."
-- Bethany Dillon

This post won't resemble most. In fact, I'm not even really sure where it's going, but hey, that's ok. I remember the last time I started something like this. I had no idea what I was doing, or even why, but I just felt led to write...look where that got me. :)
So here I am, once again, in this place of utter brokenness and confusion, in a place I don't want to be but down a path He has beckoned me to travel. I can't really go into details, but in case you weren't aware the last time, there was a lot more back story to my musings than I let on. I'm not trying to tease you or make you analyze every word looking for cryptic messages. You won't find the answers. In fact, if you do, please let me know them.
Just know that even though I've been told in the past twenty-four hours that I'm 'tougher than nails', I feel like I'm a puddle of emotion, someone that has been in a symbiotic relationship for a very long time and is now realizing that commensalism is what is needed most.

As this month of prayer and fasting continues, please remember me and Breathtaking Ministries in your prayers. As I've told a few already, I feel like I can't describe where I am in my life right now. I just know it's a turning point, much like my time at Cedarville over three years ago. I can't turn back now. I'll never see what is on the other side, if I matter what, I can't turn back now.


Jan 30, 2008

'Breathtaking' Update - January 30, 2008


Recap of the FIRST BOOK


I am proud to report that GOD SHOWED UP on Saturday, January 26th! My publicist thought I'd be doing well to sell 4-5 books in the four hours I was there. I am proud to report that the Lord saw it fit to get books into the hands of 52 different people! Please continue to pray that He OPENS DOORS throughout the month of February! Let us praise HIM for His continuing faithfulness in all of our lives; this is all about Him being glorified through my weaknesses then and now!

THANK YOU to those that came out!
I know a lot of you wanted to be there but couldn't because of scheduling conflicts; watch for more information regarding more signings! :)

Starting this Friday, February 1st, ongoing prayer and fasting o
n behalf of the future of Br
eathtaking Ministries begins!

Breathtaking is obviously moving forward, and I am in need of CLEAR DIRECTION regarding where to take the ministry God has entrusted me with because of it. If you've been following the prayer requests, you have seen that I am desiring for God to reveal to me a CONCISE way to implement the vision He has given me. I know that most of you are aware that I firmly believe God is asking me to take the message of God's sovereignty, even amidst suffering, to the MASSES. I oftentimes call this a proper theology of suffering. I hope that term has not confused anyone!

It's not about selling books, but by getting 'Breathtaking' to a NATIONAL AUDIENCE, the Lord can c
ontinue to reveal Himself and a PROPER VIEW of His sovereignty to thousands of people!!

On that note, I need YOUR HELP! You by no means have to let me know, but if you could please devote 1-2 days (if you feel called to do so longer - GREAT) to praying and/or fasting on behalf of Breathtaking, I'd most certainly appreciate it!!

My ministry RUNS ON PRAYER! I have a lot of opportunities before me right now, and I don't want to walk through ANY DOORS without knowing it is from HIM and NO ONE ELSE!

In the next week, I will be putting together more spe
cific prayer requests for you to lift up on my behalf!


  • My personal vision is being solidified (a proper theology of suffering i.e.proclaiming God's sovereignty and goodness even amidst suffering).
  • Teens For Christ has graciously given me office space!
  • I'm able to take this semester off of school and still have insurance!
  • Breathtaking is being sent forth and touching lives for HIS glory!
  • This week's book signing went VERY well; the response has been overwhelming!
  • My website ( is currently being updated; plans for further development are in the works!

    Continued prayer requests:
  • WISDOM regarding how to implement my vision!!
  • HUMILITY before my Lord/publisher/family & friends/general public
  • DISCERNMENT on my part, as I continue to daily make huge decision
  • FAITHFULNESS until the bitter end on my part that I would be OPEN to His leading and direction.
  • MY HEALTH - my EBV level is on the RISE (referring to my mono-like symptoms). Cat-scans will be performed on Valentine's Day, February 14th, to determine if there is a specific reason for this. Please pray for STRENGTH

**Also: Don't forget about your opportunity to write a review for Breathtaking at either or! I'm not looking for '5 star' reviews, just honesty from whomever is willing to help! Thank you in advance!

The Lord will glorify Himself through Breathtaking! Please continue to believe that His story will go forward to thousands of individuals for His glory and His alone!!

Want more ways to help?
Please email me at
Isaiah 26:8 (Amp)
"Yes, in the path of Your judgments, O Lord, we wait [expectantly] for You; our heartfelt desire is for Your name and the remembrance of You."