Aug 25, 2008

Hosanna In The Highest...

My life could not be more unpredictable, more different than what I had expected if you would have asked me 3 months ago what my summer would have in store...and you know what?

I love it - all of it.

I don't even know where to begin; most of you know small details but only a few know the intimate, raw details of what has been going on.

So, here's a recap of the past few months in summary:

1) The Lord has been opening many doors lately for His glory, causing me to be on the road almost non-stop at times, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!
2) The Lord is asking me to step out of my comfort zone and actually believe that my dreams could come true, meaning in particular that He has placed a man in my life who could very possibly one day - not too far away - be my husband. Writing those words brings a ton of emotions to the surface, but it feels good to finally write them! We are prayerfully considering the Lord's will in our lives and laying our plans and what we want aside; all we really want individually and corporately is His presence, more than anything. There will be much more on that issue in the future, I'm sure. Just know I haven't ever felt more blessed in my life and cannot believe that He has allowed me to share the past few months with a man who loves Him above all else and treats me with nothing but respect, a man who lets me come home from being on the road and just vent, a man who prays over me and prays that one day - with our without him - I will be able to have a biological child with my's pretty much all just...for ack of better words...breathtaking. *sigh* For now, just please pray for me and for him!
3)The Lord is teaching me so much about Himself! I cannot begin to share with you the spiritual, emotional journey I have been on the past several months, especially since March or so. There has been so many 'ups and downs', emotionally-speaking, but the Lord knows the cry of my heart has not changed: Just to know Him more, Lord, that's all I ask.

I love you, not because of the blessings You have bestowed upon my life the past few months, but because through You IS life. Oh, Father, take this broken vessel and continue to humble me before You, as You glorify Yourself through my words and actions. Teach me to be a servant. Continue to teach us all to
get out of the way and just let You move.

For His glory alone,
Amber Nicole Metz

Aug 13, 2008

Crucial Ministry Update!

Faithful is He Who is calling you [to Himself] and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you].
1 Thessalonians 5: 24 (AMP)

Prayer Warriors & Friends:
I know it’s been a long time since you heard from me, but rest-assured, I am still alive! Beyond merely being alive, I am very busy with the ministry with which God has entrusted me. I wanted to write all of you weeks ago to give you more updates on I.C.R.S but just could never find the time. My apologies!

I’ll keep this email as short as possible, but there is EXTREMELY EXCITING news to share! I can’t believe I get to share with all of you what I’m about to say, but the time has come!! Our Lord is so faithful, so willing to use us for His glory, if we’ll just lay down our lives and say ‘Not my will, but Yours be done’. I know this to be true now more than ever.

Before I share, though, here are a few other updates. If you just can’t wait, or are too busy to read, at least scroll down and look at what is highlighted in red! : -)

Moody Bible Institute:
As of August 11th, I have completed my summer semester through M.B.I and am
looking forward to being done with my Bachelor of Science degree in Biblical Studies Lord-willing in
July of 2009. I will once again be signing up for coursework for the fall; please pray that the Lord sustains me, as I seek to finish around 10.0 hours of school, which will leave 15 hours and an internship left!

International Christian Retail Show – the rest of the recap:

I know I promised more of an update other than the Sat-Sunday one I sent out, but obviously with my hectic school schedule when I got home, that unfortunately never happened. However, just know that the Lord filled my week with divine appointments for His glory, and I am still praying through many encounters I was able to have while in Orlando. I won’t bore all of you with the details! Just keep praying!!!



  • Linesville, P.A. – August 16/17th

Please pray for me, as I travel with my mentor
to Linesville, P.A. to speak this Sunday, August 17th.

  • Dallas, Texas – August 19/20th

Life Today with James and Betty Robison!!!
Will be taped August 19th; date of airing TBA!

I’m not making it up! I couldn’t if I even tried!! Yes, friends, the LORD HAS ANSWERED my prayer of 3 YEARS, and He’s done it in extreme fashion!!!! I just found out yesterday (Aug. 12th) that I am to fly to Dallas on Tuesday, tape the show Tuesday night, and fly home on Wednesday morning. Isn’t it just like God that I just finished my semester through MBI the 11th, have only a small gap between this and my next speaking engagement, and have actually been praying that I would hear from Life Today (either if they wanted me on or not) much earlier than anticipated. This, my friends, is MUCH earlier than anticipated!! I was told it could be up to 6 months before I heard from them! Not only have I heard from them, I’m going!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!

I will send out a list of prayer requests for the trip by Tuesday for all of you to pray through. I fall facedown before Jesus, thanking Him for this divine opportunity and responsibility and acknowledge that now I am completely out of my comfort zone and so desperately in need of Him!

· Philly area, PA. – Aug. 22-29th

Please pray for me, as I go visit my dear friend, Sarah Behn, and her parents; I will be speaking 2-3 times while I am away. Pray, as always, that as I speak, it is His words and not my own!

So, that’s my update!! I’m in just as much shock as all of you! Go GOD! : -) Love you all!! KEEP PRAYING, as the amount of spiritual warfare around me is intensifying, as I prepare for these crucial opportunities to minister to HIS children.