May 5, 2008

Busy Week

Hey, everyone! I'm sorry I'm not doing a very good job keeping up with this blog. I'll try to do better, I promise! :) I have been doing a better job journaling, though. Too bad you all don't have access to my hand-written journals. They're filled with secrets. Just kidding, really.

There isn't anything too 'earth-shattering' going on in my life right now, honestly. I'm just learning how to love Jesus and His people better (oh sanctification) and trying to take better care of myself, too. I haven't necessarily gotten rid of a bunch of activities, but I am learning how to prioritize my time and say 'no' when many people think I should say 'yes'. I've read a lot of books lately, which has been absolutely wonderful, just let me say! One book I won't be reading and/or recommending is The Shack. First of all, I don't have time, and second of all, I know just by reading about what it's about that I wouldn't agree with it.

I encourage all of you to be discerning of what you read. The Word says we are held accountable for what we put in our mind, does it not? Sure, I read a lot of books from a lot of different authors, including at times books that I would never recommend to others but feel I need to expose myself to so that I am able to educate myself about what others in the Christian community are thinking (ex: Emergent material).

I by no means agree with the majority of what Emergent authors such as Brian McLaren or even Rob Bell say, but I do know how powerful their brand of 'Christianity' can be to the intellectually-stimulated. The only way I would suggest that one read The Shack, McLaren's books, Pagitt's books and or anything else from the Emergent crowd is for the sole purpose of discerning what this movement is all about and not for the sake of jumping on the bandwagon. Reading this kind of literature is not for the faint of heart and definitely not something I would recommend for new believers or those who are in a challenging part of their faith walk. I think we all could benefit, though, from knowing the doctrines being taught 'in Jesus name' (i.e. the Emergent stream, Gospel-lite stream, social gospel, etc.). We live in a time of syncretism, and we as believers of Jesus Christ and His saving power on Calvary, need to be able to stand up for Truth!

For me, right now I'm so busy with so much stuff that I'm focusing on filling my mind with the Word of God first and then books who speak Truth second. There's just not time for anything else. Not to say I think reading other things is wrong, as I just admitted I've done it many times, but it all goes back to priorities and the conviction the Holy Spirit has placed on me for this time in my life.

I don't know why I just told all of you all of that, but y'know, you wanted a post so now you have it! :)

Love and appreciate you all!


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