Jun 27, 2008

With or Without You...

With or without you....
I am finally understanding who I am in Christ and loving every minute of it.
With or without you...
I know "it's okay" (in a lot of ways)..and not just in my head but in my heart.
With or without you...
I know to what and to whom I am called and am living in it in absolute freedom.
With or without you...
I am going to live the rest of my life out of conviction and not out of guilt.
With or without you...
I know that because I am whole-heartedly seeking HIS WILL above all else, God truly does want to give me the desires of my heart, not just 95% of them but all of them.
With or without you...
I'm dealing with my demons and casting them all at His feet, every single one of them.
With or without you...
I'm taking off the masks I didn't even know I wore and untangling the baggage that comes with them.
With or without you...
I am thankful we took the gamble and learning once again how to WAIT upon the Lord.
With or without you...
I have been changed forever, and for that, I thank you.

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